Author Archives: Douglas Edwardson

Exascale Day: At long last, the exascale era is here

Today, Oct. 18, is Exascale Day. This date was not chosen by chance; 10/18 pays homage to the power of exascale computing, in which systems are capable of performing 1018 calculations per second. Though Exascale Day has been officially recognized for three years now, this year is particularly special as the Frontier system at the […]

Exascale Day Article: Moving toward advances in brain mapping using exascale supercomputers

Argonne National Laboratory Early Science Program brain mapping research

By Linda Barney There are many mysteries about the human brain. Being able to create comprehensive maps of the human brain to identify the location of every neuron and connections of the brain will help solve the mysteries.   To develop an accurate map that shows these connections between brain neurons that form the communications or […]

ExaBiome Brings Metagenomics into the Exascale Era

Novel software tools allow researchers to harness the power of exascale to analyze previously unfeasible datasets

By Linda Vu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Microorganisms are essential for life: they play a vital role in modulating and maintaining our atmosphere, supporting plant and animal growth, keeping humans healthy, and much more. By understanding how they work, researchers could discover solutions to challenging problems in biomedicine, agriculture, and environmental stewardship. Until recently, a […]

Propelling Clean Wind Energy

Application will aid large-scale deployment of wind farms

By Lawrence Bernard Researchers supported by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have created software to help wind farms more efficiently produce clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, thereby helping to minimize global warming. Those giant, wind-driven blades that spin atop 300-foot poles are a marvel of engineering. As they capture […]

ECP Application Will Deliver Molecular Movies in Minutes

ExaFEL will enable quicker analysis of data from SLAC’s x-ray free-electron laser to help understand everything from viruses to materials.

By Lawrence Bernard Amedeo Perazzo has a guarantee for researchers who want to see a movie of molecular behavior: You can have data in 10 minutes. Perazzo leads a team at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to analyze the data generated by the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). LCLS—an Office of Science User Facility operated […]

GAMESS Opens up Computational Chemistry to Wide Variety of Uses

An ECP team is improving GAMESS software to take full advantage of exascale computing architectures

By Lawrence Bernard Understanding how molecules behave and react with each other is fundamental in designing new materials, pharmaceuticals, and other scientific applications that benefit the world. Scientists have long used computer simulations to solve chemical problems and acquire knowledge of the structure and properties of molecules through calculations and algorithms. But gaining insights into […]

Maintaining the Nation’s Power Grid with Exascale Computing

Code addresses new challenges and optimizes the grid to react to disruptions

By Lawrence Bernard Christopher S. Oehmen is a biomedical engineer doing critical research on how to protect the nation’s power grid. “It turns out that the power grid is like a biological system. They are both very irregular with control systems that are very sparse,” Oehmen says. “A molecular switch turns one thing on, and […]

Identifying What Makes up the Universe

Scientists investigate the Standard Model

By Lawrence Bernard Thanks to a powerful new capability to probe the smallest known particles, comprehension of the nature of matter throughout the universe may be on the verge of a big leap. Scientists will use calculations enabled by exascale computing to create high-fidelity simulations of the atomic nucleus to reveal matter’s organization and its […]

ECP Launches Programs to Extend DOE’s HPC Workforce Culture

The ECP Broadening Participation Initiative unveils efforts to recruit underrepresented groups and foster an inclusive culture within the computing sciences

By Coury Turczyn The US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has launched a concerted outreach effort to address workforce needs in high-performance computing (HPC) at the DOE’s array of labs. The ECP Broadening Participation Initiative has established three new programs that are working toward building a more diverse workforce and fostering an […]

Enabling Highly Accurate and Reliable Predictions of the Basic Properties of Materials

Exascale Computing Project · Episode 97 Enabling Highly Accurate and Reliable Predictions of the Basic Properties of Materials By Scott Gibson Hi, and welcome. This is where we explore the efforts of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP)—from the development challenges and achievements to the ultimate expected impact of exascale computing on […]

Supercomputer Code Can Help Capture Carbon, Reduce Global Warming

Software allows designers to model liquid and gas flows before building expensive facilities

By Lawrence Bernard More than a third of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that contribute to global warming in the United States comes from power plants. What if scientists could capture the CO2 and store it where it would not contribute to climate change? Several technologies aim to do just that, and exascale computing can help. […]

ECP Advances the Science of Atmospheric Convection Modeling

Researchers have developed a multiscale modeling framework to refine cloud representation in E3SM climate simulations on GPU-accelerated supercomputers

By Coury Turczyn Researchers supported by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have integrated the promising super-parameterization technique for modeling moist convection into the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM), which is a global climate modeling, simulation, and prediction project being developed by DOE. This method enables E3SM to significantly improve cloud […]

Leveraging Machine Learning for Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering

Exascale Computing Project · Episode 96: Leveraging Machine Learning for Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering By Scott Gibson Hi, and welcome. This is where we explore the efforts of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP)—from the development challenges and achievements to the ultimate expected impact of exascale computing on society. As […]

ECP’s SOLLVE Offers User-Support Office Hours to Surmount OpenMP Snags

 By Scott Gibson Application developers who plan to target Frontier, which will become the nation’s first exascale supercomputer this year, or other computing systems can take advantage of Zoom-based user-support “office hours” to answer their coding questions pertaining to OpenMP offloading (code on accelerators such as GPUs), an application programming interface that supports multi-platform shared-memory […]

Enabling Cross-Project Research to Strengthen Math Libraries for Scientific Simulations

Exascale Computing Project · Episode 95: Enabling Cross-Project Research to Strengthen Math Libraries for Scientific Simulations Hi, and welcome. This is where we explore the efforts of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP)—from the development challenges and achievements to the ultimate expected impact of exascale computing on society. For computer simulations to […]

Osni Marques Assumes New Leadership Duties for the Exascale Computing Project

By Kathy Kincade Osni Marques, a staff scientist in the Applied Math and Computational Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), has been tapped to lead the Training & Productivity (T&P) effort within the US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project. He takes over for Ashley Barker of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Marques […]

OLCF’s Ashley Barker Takes on New Role, Steps Down from ECP

The Operations Section head will wind down her ECP duties to work on the OLCF’s next supercomputer  By Coury Turczyn Ashley Barker, Operations Section head for the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS), is taking on a new role in the procurement and deployment of the next supercomputer system at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing […]

Community Event Hits Upon Software Development for Next-Gen GPU Architectures

By Scott Gibson A unique chance for the high-performance computing community to learn about the first pieces of software and performance-analysis tools that are portable across more than one type of GPU architecture and developed for the nation’s first exascale supercomputers is coming up May 10–12. The event is the 2022 Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days, led […]

Revisiting the E4S Software Ecosystem Upon Release of Version 22.02

Exascale Computing Project · Episode 94: Revisiting the E4S Software Ecosystem Upon Release of Version 22.02 Hi, and welcome. This is where we explore the efforts of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP)—from the development challenges and achievements to the ultimate expected impact of exascale computing on society. We’re returning to the […]

Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) Releases Version 22.02

By Scott Gibson The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) high-performance computing (HPC) software ecosystem—an ongoing broad collection of software capabilities continually developed to address emerging scientific needs for the US Department of Energy community—recently released version 22.02. E4S, which began in the fall of 2018, is aimed at accelerating the development, deployment, and use of […]

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