The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Training Events

Past Events

Secure Software Programming Practices and Development

The webinar will discuss a development process and practices that incorporate secure software knowledge into scientific software development. The process seeks to mitigate and to defend against malicious attacks that can cause extreme damage to any software, compromising integrity, authentication, availability, and long-term sustainability.

OpenMP Users Monthly Telecons by ECP SOLLVE

The ECP SOLLVE project, which is working to evolve OpenMP for Exascale computing, invites you to participate in a new series of monthly telecons that will occur on the last Friday of every month.  The next call in the series will take place on Friday, December 1st, between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm ET.

A cast of thousands: How the IDEAS Productivity project has advanced software productivity and sustainability

The webinar will describe strategies that the IDEAS Productivity Project has used to help software teams across the Exascale Computing Project “up their game” with respect to their software practices. The webinar will wrap up with lessons learned by the IDEAS team and briefly consider possible futures for the DOE scientific software community.


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