The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

ExaFEL and CoPA: Rapid Imaging of Molecular Systems

Using CoPA tools, ExaFEL prevents computational data throughput from bottlenecking experimental progress in x-ray free electron laser facilities.

Source: ECP


EXAALT and Kokkos: Making Exascale Simulations of Material Behavior a “SNAP”

Molecular dynamics has become a cornerstone of computational science and is a key component of developing materials with enhanced properties.

Source: ECP


Exascale Computing Project Contributes to Accelerating Cancer Research

The Exascale Computing Project's CANDLE application will improve cancer research techniques and clinical outcomes

Source: ECP

What are exascale and the Exascale Computing Project?

Exascale is perhaps the most significant milestone achievement in computing, offering 1,000 times more speed and power than the previous generation of the most advanced supercomputers. The US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project is delivering the world's first capable exascale computing ecosystem.

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