The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.


Lead: Thomas Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Energy applications focus on the modeling and simulation of existing and future technologies for the efficient and responsible production of energy to meet the growing needs of the United States. These applications generally require detailed modeling of complex facilities and multiple coupled physical processes. Their goal is to help overcome obstacles.


Exascale Predictive Wind Plant Flow Physics Modeling

Objective: Turbine Wind Plant Efficiency

Harden wind plant design and layout against energy loss susceptibility; higher penetration of wind energy

Lead: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Principal Investigators: Mike Sprague, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Paul Crozier, Sandia National Laboratories; John Turner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


High-efficiency, Low- emission Combustion Engine Design

Objective: Advance Understanding of Fundamental Turbulence- Chemistry Interactions in Device-relevant Conditions

Transforming Combustion Science and Technology with Exascale Simulations

Lead: Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)

Principal Investigators: Jacqueline Chen, Sandia National Laboratories


Performance Prediction of Multiphase Energy Conversion Device

Objective: Scale-up of Clean Fossil Fuel Combustion

Commercial-scale demonstration of transformational energy technologies, curbing CO2 emission at fossil fuel power plants by 2030

Lead: National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

Principal Investigators: Jordan Musser, National Energy Technology Laboratory


High-fidelity Whole Device Modeling of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas

Objective: High-fidelity Whole Device Modeling of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas

Prepare for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) experiments and increase return of investment (ROI) of validation data and understanding; prepare for beyond- ITER devices

Lead: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

Principal Investigators: Amitava Bhattacharjee, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Lead PI); Choongseock "CS" Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Co-Lead PI)


Coupled Monte Carlo Neutronics and Fluid Flow Simulation of Small Modular Reactors

Objective: Design and Commercialization of Small Modular Reactors

Visual test reactor for advanced designs via experimental-quality simulations of reactor behavior

Lead: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Principal Investigators: Steven Hamilton, lead, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Paul Romano, Argonne National Laboratory; Ben Forget, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Exascale Modeling of Advanced Particle Accelerators

Objective: Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Design

Virtual design of 100-stage 1 TeV control; dramatically cut accelerator size and design cost

Lead: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

Principal Investigators: Jean-Luc Vay, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

National Nuclear Security Administration logo Exascale Computing Project logo small U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science logo