Virtual Conference | February 23–26, 2022
The SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM-PP22) showcases a broad range of work by the ECP community:
- Software technology: Building software technologies that power HPC discoveries, including scalable math libraries, open-source programming models and runtimes, data and visualization packages, development tools, and more.
- Application development: Developing simulation capabilities for chemistry, materials, energy, Earth and space science, data analytics, optimization, AI, national security, and more.
- Hardware and integration: Deploying an exascale software stack, including software integration and testing across leadership computing environments. Improving software productivity and sustainability to help advance scientific productivity.
ECP community members are contributing by co-organizing minisymposia, presenting talks and posters, and speaking in plenary panel sessions. Presentations include insights about new algorithmic approaches, computing and communication protocols, data management, and more.
Awards at SIAM-PP22:
- Rob Falgout (LLNL, leader of the hypre project), will receive the 2022 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Career Prize. The hypre library provides scalable solvers used by a variety of ECP teams.
- Piyush Sao (ORNL, research scientist) and X. Sherry Li (LBL, leader of the SuperLU and STRUMPACK projects and overall lead of work in ECP math libraries), will receive the 2022 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Best Paper Prize (with co-author Richard Vuduc)
Invited Sessions at SIAM-PP22:
- IP3: Software as an Instrument of Science
- PD1: Current and Future Trends Impacting Inclusivity in High-Performance Scientific Computing
- PD3: Build, Integration and Testing for Sustainable Scientific Computing Software
- CP: Contributed Presentation (in lecture format)
- IP: Invited Presentations:
- MS: Minisymposium: A session of 4 coordinated presentations on a single topic of substantial current interest and importance in mathematics and its applications. A 2-part minisymposium has a total of 8 coordinated presentations.
- PD: Plenary Panel Discussion
- PP: Poster Presentation:
- SP: SIAG Prize (SIAG = SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing)