The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Exascale Day

Podcast Interview: Doug Kothe discusses many aspects of the ECP, from the project’s inception to its enduring legacy and its impact on industry and workforce development.

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Podcast Interview: ORNL’s Justin Whitt describes what Frontier—the nation’s first exascale supercomputer—will do, why it’s unique, progress with deployment, what’s special about exascale computing, and more.

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We’re trying to mesh health data together and make sense out of it, and that’s a huge challenge. That’s where exascale computing infrastructure, such as Frontier, will be the paradigm shift, because we can bring all of the data together and analyze it in a time efficient way. Imagine having a computational framework that allows us to model an individual’s life trajectory based on their genomic information, and any ancillary information we have about that individual. We could then track that individual throughout their lifetime, and guide them to make informed decisions about their future, taking control of their future before a problem emerges. It’s not the lifespan, it’s the healthspan that matters to all of us.

Gina Tourassi, ORNL (future home of Frontier)

Director for the National Center for Computational Sciences

This is not a destination as much as it’s a journey, and exascale is the next waypoint on this journey for ever-increasingly more powerful computers. With exascale, we’re going to have smarter AI and we’ll have higher resolution simulations, and it will impact nearly every technology-oriented problem we have, whether it’s climate, fluid dynamics, biology, materials or chemistry. All of this is going to get both a boost from the core compute in exascale, and then an extra boost from applying machine learning, opening up many possible paths for future deployment as well.

Rick Stevens, ANL (future home of Aurora)

Associate Laboratory Director
Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

The confluence of exascale computing and artificial intelligence will have a transformative impact on all of science. From discovery and design of new drugs to innovative materials and medical treatments, to quantum leaps in our ability to simulate largescale physical phenomena with microscopic high fidelity and accuracy—the impacts of our simulation capabilities will go far beyond anything we have experienced to date.

Chris Clouse, LLNL (future home of El Capitan)

Program Director
Weapon Simulation and Computing

Exascale awareness week October 18-22

Entering a new era in scientific discovery

Exascale computing will transform the ability to answer some of the world’s toughest and most important questions



Katie Antypas
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

One of the most exciting steps forward ECP is bringing to HPC facilities is a set of applications with new capabilities, a new software ecosystem, and new means for deploying and maintaining software on next-generation computing systems. These...

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Rick Arthur
Senior Director of Computational Methods Research
GE Research

The marvel of Exascale computing resulted from decades of sustained exponential breakthroughs in hardware and software technologies, and now shapes computational modeling into a foundational instrument for scientific insights – as essential as a...

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Franck Cappello
Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced multi-level asynchronous checkpointing and lossy compression software technologies have the potential to accelerate exascale applications executions. To deliver this potential, software technology developers need to produce effective,...

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Sunita Chandrasekaran
University of Delaware

Exascale computing gives us tremendous opportunities to make scientific advancements in plasma physics that were utterly beyond our reach before. Also, it allows us to do more simulations. So instead of doing a single simulation once, we can play...

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Steve Conway
Senior advisor for HPC market dynamics
Hyperion Research

Over time, technologies developed in government-funded exascale initiatives will benefit not just leadership-class supercomputers but will be scaled down economically to benefit the entire HPC market, including sites that acquire only a rack or two...

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Bronis de Supinski
Chief Technology Officer, Livermore Computing
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Exascale systems will be transformative. The impact that they will have on DOE's scientific missions, from climate science to particle physics to national security, is well documented. Even more exciting is the impact the rapid increase in capability...

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Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

The whole reason for exascale computing is because of the science. To advance science, you need exascale computing. I like to think of the exascale computer as a very sophisticated scientific tool. These exascale computing tools will be used to...

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Thomas Ebbott

NASA Engineers Ahmed Noor and John Tanner once wrote, “The pneumatic tire represents one of the most formidable challenges in structural design,” and this still remains the case today. Often, tire simulations require multiphysics,...

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Markus Eisenbach
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Frontier is not only a quantitative improvement but a qualitative improvement in the physics that we can incorporate. Going to more powerful architectures and more powerful machines not only gives us the quantitative improvements due to the size of...

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Charlie Fazzino

Oil and gas exploration gets increasingly more challenging every day as sophisticated and well-funded firms battle it out for the next big discovery. We’re tackling massive data sets, intense parallel computation, and thoughtful, creative...

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Salman Habib
Argonne National Laboratory

Exascale will enable cosmology simulations large enough to model the distribution of billions of galaxies but also fine-grained enough to compare to a range of ground- and satellite-based observations, such as cosmic microwave background measurements...

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Morten Hjorth-Jensen
University of Oslo and Michigan State University

Understanding the limits of stability of the calcium isotope is something we can do in the immediate future with Frontier.

Robert Hormuth
Corporate Vice President, Architecture and Strategy, Data Center and Embedded Solutions Group

We will soon cross a momentous milestone with exascale computing that is many years in the making. Computing performance trends through the years have shown the steady increase, but we have also had to drive towards scaling performance while...

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Phil Jones
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Exascale computing provides the additional capability needed to provide more accurate and robust projections of future climate change and actionable information as we move into an uncertain climate future. It is another step forward in our goal of...

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Paul Kent
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Exascale systems like Frontier will allow us to make more confident predictions, study more complex materials, or look at materials made of elements from a wider range of the periodic table.

Raja Koduri
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics (AXG)

Computing on the scale of the human brain -- something that was once only dreamed of in science fiction -- is now possible! We should all pause to celebrate the phenomenal work done to bring Exascale within reach, and then we should get back to work...

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Doug Kothe
ECP Director
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

While high-performance computing technology has evolved tremendously just during the life of the Exascale Computing Project [ECP], our project “team of teams”—composed of more than 1,000 researchers and scientists from across the United...

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Andreas Kronfeld

Exascale is getting exciting! Frontier is around the corner, and Aurora will follow soon. They will enable us to understand the strong nuclear force with unprecedented precision, allowing us to illuminate phenomena from high-energy collisions to...

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Sherry Li
Senior Scientist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

As numerical linear algebra algorithm and software developers, we are inspired by exascale to redesign the algorithms with the newest capabilities – far beyond what were available six years ago. Accessible from our math libraries, these...

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Brad McCredie
Corporate Vice President, Accelerated Solutions Computing, Data Center Embedded Solutions Group

It is truly an exciting time to be in supercomputing and we are thrilled to be part of the march towards the exascale computing era. Creating and deploying solutions of this magnitude is itself, a grand challenge, but it represents a significant...

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James Edward McClure
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Each time we get access to a new generation of supercomputer, we’re able to solve problems that we weren’t able to on the previous generation. One of the things that I’ve always enjoyed about doing this kind of work is you really have the...

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Piyush Mehrotra
Chief, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division
NASA Ames Research Center

NASA’s vision of the massive expansion in scientific and engineering knowledge to be achieved one day through exascale systems is truly exciting. Computational requirements for NASA applications such as coupled global atmosphere-ocean modeling,...

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Jeff Nichols
Associate Laboratory Director
Computing and Computational Sciences

The architecture we put on the floor with Frontier is as equally capable at solving a big modeling and simulation program as it is at solving a big artificial intelligence program. Today with traditional modeling and simulation you can predict all...

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Irene Qualters
Associate Laboratory Director
Los Alamos National Laboratory

ECP is giving us the tools to address some of the nation’s most complex scientific and security challenges. As we enter an era of continued technology innovation and disruption, our computational multiphysics models and software tools have matured...

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Andreas Roelofs
Raytheon Technologies Research Center Director

Leadership Class Computing has helped Raytheon Technologies accelerate technology development and bring more sustainable products to market. The Exascale Computing Project represents a major step forward and we are excited about the benefits this...

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Evan Schneider
University of Pittsburgh

Using our Cholla astrophysics software on an exascale machine, we will be able to run a simulation where we can directly resolve what’s happening in small patches of the galaxy. So instead of having to make assumptions about how the stars are...

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Sanjiv Shah
Vice President of Developer Software
Intel Corporation

I’m excited to see oneAPI usher in a new era of accelerated programming that will help Exascale computing tackle our greatest challenges. Already, oneAPI-accelerated AI is fueling everything from MLPerf submissions to the fastest supercomputer in...

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Galen Shipman
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Exascale Computing Project has brought together experts spanning computational science, computer science, applied mathematics, and software engineering to address one of the most challenging goals in scientific computing: delivering an integrated...

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Addison Snell
Intersect360 Research

It’s not about Exascale computing: It’s about what can be done with Exascale computing. The scientific and engineering challenges of the next century—mitigating global warming, fighting pandemics, saving lives in natural disasters, and...

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Toshi Tajima
Chief Science Officer

TAE is developing the cleanest, safest form of carbon-free energy through cost-competitive commercial fusion power. The design and operation of the company’s fusion power plants will employ the Whole Device Modeling (WDM) approach, which requires...

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Dr. Robert W. Wisniewski
CTO and Chief Architect for High Performance Computing
Aurora Technical Lead and PI
Intel Corporation

As the delivery of Exascale computers near, we are increasingly excited about the positive impact this technology will have on society. The challenges of the pandemic have only served to highlight the importance of collecting and analyzing data at...

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P.K. Yeung
Georgia Tech

Frontier will open up opportunities for studying newer physics, such as the vast complexities of turbulent fluid flows, and allow scientists to gain insights at even higher resolutions than was possible before.
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