The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.


The Exascale Computing Project provides training events and materials to help you realize your high-performance computing project.

Upcoming Training Events

Python in HPC

Python's powerful elegance has driven its adoption at HPC centers. However, maximizing performance from Python applications can be challenging especially on supercomputing architectures. This webinar discussed some of those challenges (and potential solutions) using Python at NERSC, ALCF, and OLCF.

Scalable Node Programming with OpenACC

This webinar focused on OpenACC, in particular the problems it can address, its important elements, how it is being adopted and used in production science and engineering applications, and how to build and used applications with OpenACC for different targets.

Training Materials

ExaFEL and CoPA: Rapid Imaging of Molecular Systems

Using CoPA tools, ExaFEL prevents computational data throughput from bottlenecking experimental progress in x-ray free electron laser facilities.

EXAALT and Kokkos: Making Exascale Simulations of Material Behavior a “SNAP”

Molecular dynamics has become a cornerstone of computational science and is a key component of developing materials with enhanced properties.

Exascale Computing Project Software Helps Launch a New Era for NASA  

ECP Software Helps Launch a New Era for NASA

National Nuclear Security Administration logo Exascale Computing Project logo small U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science logo