The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Monthly Archives: April 2020

Flexible Package Manager Automates the Deployment of Software on Supercomputers

Spack (Supercomputer PACKage manager) is an R&D 100–Award winner because of its worldwide impact on high-performance computing.

ECP Names New Team Lead for Earth and Space Science

Dan Martin of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is now at the helm of the Earth and Space Science portfolio for the Exascale Computing Project.

ECP’s ExaWind Project is Featured in Renewable Energy Magazine

Writer Jennifer Huber of NERSC delves into ExaWind's science challenge problem, its use of the computational code called Nalu-Wind, and its collaboration.

Reducing the Memory Footprint and Data Movement on Exascale Systems

The ZFP software development effort is tackling the critical task of overcoming the performance cost of data movement for exascale computing.

Collaboration Aims to More Accurately Predict Wind Farm Flow Physics

Jennifer Huber of NERSC writes about how the ExaWind project is advancing our basic understanding of the flow physics governing wind plant performance.

Stony Brook University Researchers Developing Computer Models to Combat Coronavirus

The work of a team at Stony Brook University could help speed the discovery of drugs to fight the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.

Developing Predictor Models to Move Fusion Energy Closer to Reality

Using high-performance computers, researchers at Princeton and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory aim to quickly and accurately predict the onset of disruption disturbances involving the rapid releases of plasma that can cause structural damage in fusion reactors.

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