The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Monthly Archives: August 2018

The Strategic Foundation of Exascale Computing in the USA

Rich Brueckner, president of insideHPC, provides clarifications and background information concerning the US Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Initiative (ECI) and how the Exascale Computing Project fits into it.

ExaGraph Collaboration with STRUMPACK/SuperLU: Factorization-Based Sparse Solvers and Preconditioners for Exascale

Collaboration is key to the success of ECP.

Read the ECP Newsletter to Catch up on ECP Progress and More

Leadership, collaboration, key exascale challenges, and performance measurement are among the topics discussed in the latest edition of the ECP Update newsletter. A video interview with ECP Director Doug Kothe is featured.

Supercomputing a Path to Better Understand How Materials Interact with Photons

The US Department of Energy's ASCRDiscovery newsletter profiles a project chosen for the Early Science Program on the Aurora supercomputer.

Improving the Ability to Accurately Predict the Operating Behavior of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

Steven Hamilton, an R&D staff member in the Reactor & Nuclear Systems Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is guest on the Let's Talk Exascale podcast. He leads ExaSMR, a project directed at better understanding the behavior of small modular nuclear reactors.

Educating for Exascale

Some 25 graduate and post-graduate students recently spent four intense days preparing for the next generation of parallel supercomputers and exascale at the Parallel Computing in Molecular Sciences (ParCompMolSci) Summer School and Workshop hosted by Berkeley Lab.

HPCwire Reports on the SLATE Project

Writer John Russell covers ECP's video interview with Jakub Kurzak of the Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale (SLATE) project and efforts to meet the challenge of using accelerators effectively.

From insideHPC: Evolving Scientific Computing at Argonne

Realizing the promise of exascale computing, the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility is developing the framework by which to harness this immense computing power to an advanced combination of simulation, data analysis, and machine learning.

Video Highlight: SLATE Project Aims to Provide Basic Dense Matrix Operations for Exascale

The objective of the Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale (SLATE) project is to provide basic dense matrix operations in support of ECP's efforts to build a capable exascale computing ecosystem. Jakub Kurzak of the University of Tennessee and SLATE shares insights about the project.

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