Educating for Exascale
Berkeley Lab Hosts Summer School for Next Generation of Computational Chemists
Some 25 graduate and post-graduate students recently spent four intense days preparing for the next generation of parallel supercomputers and exascale at the Parallel Computing in Molecular Sciences (ParCompMolSci) Summer School and Workshop hosted by Berkeley Lab.
Held August 6–9 at the Brower Center in downtown Berkeley, the event aimed to “prepare the next generation of computational molecular scientists to use new parallel hardware platforms, such as the [US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s)] exascale computer arriving in 2021,” said Berkeley Lab Senior Scientist Bert de Jong, an organizer of the summer school and one of the scientists behind the DOE Exascale Computing Project’s NWChemEx effort. NWChemEx belongs to the less talked about, but equally necessary half of building exascale systems: software.
Topics: ParCompMolSci Summer School Parallel Computing in Molecular Sciences Summer School and Workshop