The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Monthly Archives: August 2022

GAMESS Opens up Computational Chemistry to Wide Variety of Uses

ECP researchers are enhancing the GAMESS application—important to the energy and chemical industries—to leverage exascale computing.

Maintaining the Nation’s Power Grid with Exascale Computing

The ExaSGD project uses models and data analytics to understand power grid failures and look for ways to prevent them.

Identifying What Makes up the Universe

LatticeQCD is a high-energy and nuclear physics subproject of the Exascale Computing Project to understand fundamental laws of nature.

ECP Launches Programs to Extend DOE’s HPC Workforce Culture

The ECP Broadening Participation Initiative plans to build a more diverse workforce and foster an inclusive professional environment.

National Nuclear Security Administration logo Exascale Computing Project logo small U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science logo