Monthly Archives: January 2019

Perspective on the Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack Release (Source: The Next Platform)

The Next Platform publication provides insights about the recent release of ECP's Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack.

Optimizing a New Technology to Reduce Power Plant Carbon Dioxide Emissions

An ECP effort is developing a tool that will leverage future exascale supercomputers to enhance a new technology for carbon capture and storage.

Industry Leaders Prepare for Rice University Oil and Gas Conference (Source: insideHPC)

Lori Diachin, ECP project deputy director, will contribute as a speaker at the Rice University Oil and Gas HPC Conference in Houston, March 4–6, where the focus will be on the computational challenges and needs in the energy industry.

Researchers Gear Up for Exascale at ECP Meeting in Houston (from insideHPC)

Lawrence Berkeley Lab outlines its contributions—from plenary talks to tutorials, breakout sessions, and posters—at ECP's Annual Meeting in Houston.

Addressing the Challenge of Continuous Integration of Software at Department of Energy Facilities

Dave Montoya of Los Alamos National Laboratory and ECP explains aspects of ensuring software in development for exascale is successfully integrated.

Flying Through the Universe with Supercomputing Power (coverage by insideHPC)


Demonstrating In-Situ Computer Simulation Visualization and Analysis on the Sierra Supercomputer

Cyrus Harrison, Eric Brugger, and Matt Larsen of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory discuss the first large-scale demonstration of an important supercomputing technology.

A Powerful Tool for Improving Parallel Computing Applications

Sameer Shende, an expert on what's called the Tuning and Analysis (TAU) performance evaluation tool for applications, explains its features and benefits.

Aiming to Simulate the Universe with Maximal Computing Power

At the SC18 supercomputing conference in Dallas recently, Salman Habib of Argonne National Laboratory chatted with ECP Communications about cosmological computer modeling and simulation.

Efforts Directed at Making Wind Farms More Efficient

In November at the SC18 supercomputing conference in Dallas, Michael Sprague of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory discussed a recent success of ECP’s wind energy research project, ExaWind.

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