The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Monthly Archives: December 2018

ORNL’s David Bernholdt on the Importance of Message Passing Interface to Supercomputing

The Exascale Computing Project's (ECP) Mike Bernhardt chatted with David Bernholdt of Oak Ridge National Laboratory on November 14 at the SC18 supercomputing conference in Dallas about his career, the evolution and significance of message passing interface (MPI) in parallel computing, and how ECP has influenced his team's efforts.

AMReX Helps Scientists Optimally Focus Computing Power on the Most Critical Problems

During the SC18 supercomputing conference, which took place in Dallas, November 11–16, Ann Almgren of the AMReX: Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Co-Design Center team briefly described a simulation from an AMReX-supported project called Pele Combustion.

IDEAS-ECP Helps Ensure the Exascale Software Ecosystem is Optimally Productive and Sustainable

Mike Heroux and Lois McIness discuss the IDEAS (Interoperable Design of Extreme-Scale Application Software) effort for the Exascale Computing Project (ECP).

Using the Sierra Supercomputer to Explore the Mechanism of a Vicious Cancer

Machine learning, predictive simulation, and experimentation converge in a collaboration to explore the mechanism behind a vicious cancer.

Revisiting the 2008 Exascale Computing Study at SC18

Contributors to a report published a decade ago on what it would take to reach exascale, reflected on the document at SC18 in Dallas.

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