Q&A Considers the Landscape of Computing in the Era Beyond Exascale
A Q&A shares the thoughts of John Shalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory about what high-performance computing may be like after Moore's Law ends.
A Q&A shares the thoughts of John Shalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory about what high-performance computing may be like after Moore's Law ends.
Tom Evans, technical lead for ECP's Energy Applications projects, shares about the motivations, progress, and aspirations on the path to the exascale.
ECP's Exa-PAPI project is developing a new performance application programming interface, named PAPI++, by taking advantage of modern C++ programming
An article on phys.org by Ariana Tantillo of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) describes team activities during the recent OpenMP hackathon at BNL.
The Computational Science Initiative at Brookhaven National Laboratory will host its 3rd GPU Hackathon, a free event, on September 23–27.