This preview from insideHPC covers an invited SC17 talk on computational chemistry as it relates to the newest architectures and next-generation computers.
Watch a movie by Exascale Computing Project PathForward Vendor Hewlett Packard Enterprise on how the implications of an exascale computer will touch every aspect of our lives.
HPCwire - The Exascale Computing Project's ATPESC (Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing.
Exascale computing will open a universe of possibilities to simulate experiments and analyze reams of data. Special training will help scientists seize the opportunity.
The synergy of national security science and multidisciplinary research experience at Los Alamos National Laboratory benefits the Exascale Computing Project.
From Posted by: Michael Feldman Fusion Energy Startup is Counting on Exascale Computing Tri Alpha Energy (TAE) is on a mission is to build the world’s first commercially viable
From Science Daily Assessing regional earthquake risk and hazards in the age of exascale With emerging exascale supercomputers, researchers will soon be able to accurately simulate the ground motions of
An article in HPCwire reports on the progress in software development of the Exascale Computing Project's Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Co-Design Center.
Exascale Computing to Help Accelerate Drive for Clean Fusion Energy Jon Bashor Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Computing Sciences For decades, scientists have struggled to create a clean, unlimited energy
An article by Jon Bashor of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Computing Sciences examines the need for exascale computing power to advance research on fusion reactor design and highlights the potential for collaboration with industry partners who will require this kind of power.
Using supercomputers to model and simulate plasma behavior, scientists have made great strides toward building a working fusion reactor. Exascale systems will bring the promise of fusion energy closer.