ECP Announces New Co-Design Center to Focus on Exascale Machine Learning Technologies
New ExaLearn Co-Design Center to be led by Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Francis (Frank) Alexander. The Exascale Computing Project has initiated its sixth Co-Design Center, ExaLearn, to be led by Principal Investigator Francis J. Alexander, Deputy Director of the Computational Science Initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory. ExaLearn is a co-design center […]
ECP Software Technology (ST) Capability Assessment Report (CAR)
U.S. Department of Energy Exascale Computing Project (ECP) This ECP Software Technology (ST) Capability Assessment Report (CAR) provides an overview and assessment of current ECP ST capabilities and activities, giving stakeholders and the broader HPC community information that can be used to assess ECP ST progress and plan their own efforts accordingly. Software Technology is […]
Scaling the Unknown: The CEED Co-Design Center
Scaling the Unknown: The CEED Co-Design center By Steve Koppes A supercomputing co-design collaboration involving academia, industry and national labs tackles exascale computing’s monumental challenges. CEED is one of five co-design centers in the Exascale Computing Project, a collaboration between DOE’s Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration. The centers facilitate cooperation between the […]
U.S. Once Again Leads the Top500 Supercomputer List with ORNL’s Summit
For the first time since November 2012, the US claims the most powerful supercomputer in the world. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is the home to the new Summit supercomputer. Summit took the number one spot on the TOP500 with a performance of 122.3 petaflops on High Performance Linpack (HPL). […]
ORNL Launches Summit Supercomputer
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., June 8, 2018—The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory today unveiled Summit as the world’s most powerful and smartest scientific supercomputer. With a peak performance of 200,000 trillion calculations per second, or 200 petaflops, Summit will be eight times more powerful than ORNL’s previous top-ranked system, Titan. For certain […]
From Supercomputing To ‘Exascale Machines’ — The Coming Leap In Computing Power
Source: Investors Business Daily, 4/30/2018 Commentary by Paul Dabbar and Thomas Zacharia When scientists discovered the immense power contained in an atom, the United States government provided the laboratories, factories, and funding necessary to harness that power and end World War II. It was an unprecedented partnership of science, government, and industry, and it […]
U.S. Should Regain Lead in Supercomputing
By Terry Wallace / Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory Source: AlbuquerqueJournal, April 29, 2018 Science has served as a critical partner in advancing the U.S. economy for decades. Driven by the breakthroughs enabled by the next generation of supercomputers, whole new industries can emerge as entrepreneurs propel these innovations into the marketplace. New […]
SECRETARY OF ENERGY RICK PERRY ANNOUNCES $1.8 BILLION INITIATIVE FOR NEW SUPERCOMPUTERS Systems Will Solidify U.S. Leadership in the “Exascale” Computing Era WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry today announced a Request for Proposals (RFP), potentially worth up to $1.8 billion, for the development of at least two new exascale supercomputers to be deployed at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories in […]
ECP: Shaking Things up With Earthquake Simulation
Hayward Fault Earthquake Simulations Increase Fidelity of Ground Motions Article ID: 689010 Released: 8-Feb-2018 5:05 AM EST Source Newsroom: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory scientists have used some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers to model ground shaking for a magnitude (M) 7.0 earthquake on the Hayward fault and show more realistic […]
The Exascale Data and Visualization Project
Podcast: The Exascale Data and Visualization project at LANL
ECP Launches “Let’s Talk Exascale” Podcast Series
ECP Launches “Let’s Talk Exascale” Podcast
The Hair-Raising Potential of Exascale Animation
Exascale Computing: Bringing Dreams to Life The Hair-Raising Potential of Exascale Animation By John Spizzirri, Contributing Writer, Argonne National Laboratory There is no questioning the power of a full head of shiny, buoyant hair. Not in real life, not in commercials, and, it turns out, not in computer-generated (CG) animation. Just as more expensive brands […]
U.S. Industries To Benefit From Exascale Computing
U.S. industries aim for faster, more efficient product design through exascale computing Jeremy Thomas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Public Affairs Computer-aided design and engineering have come a long way since the first advanced CAD and CAE software programs appeared in the 1970s, and as manufacturing techniques, modeling and simulation have become increasingly complex […]
HPCwire – Argonne Training Program: Leaning into the Supercomputing Learning Curve
HPCwire – The Exascale Computing Project’s ATPESC (Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. Argonne Training Program: Leaning into the Supercomputing Learning Curve
Tri Alpha Energy Looks to Exascale Computing
From Posted by: Michael Feldman Fusion Energy Startup is Counting on Exascale Computing Tri Alpha Energy (TAE) is on a mission is to build the world’s first commercially viable fusion reactor. But to do that, the Orange County-based startup thinks it will need exascale supercomputers.
Assessing regional earthquake risk and hazards in the age of exascale
From Science Daily Assessing regional earthquake risk and hazards in the age of exascale With emerging exascale supercomputers, researchers will soon be able to accurately simulate the ground motions of regional earthquakes quickly and in unprecedented detail, as well as predict how these movements will impact energy infrastructure — from the electric grid to local […]
Exascale Computing to Help Accelerate Drive for Clean Fusion Energy
Exascale Computing to Help Accelerate Drive for Clean Fusion Energy Jon Bashor Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Computing Sciences For decades, scientists have struggled to create a clean, unlimited energy source here on Earth by recreating the conditions that drive our sun. Called a fusion reactor, the mechanism would use powerful magnetic fields to confine […]
insideHPC: Exascale Computing Project Names Doug Kothe as Director
Exascale Computing Project Names Doug Kothe as Director
HPCwire: ECP Names Doug Kothe As New ECP Director
Exascale Computing Project Names Doug Kothe as Director
Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Names Doug Kothe as Director
News Media Contact: Mike Bernhardt, [email protected], 503.804.1714 For Immediate Release: September 20, 2017 Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Names Doug Kothe as Director OAK RIDGE, Tenn. – The Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has named Doug Kothe as its new director effective October 1. He replaces Paul Messina, who is […]