ECP Software Technology (ST) Capability Assessment Report (CAR)

U.S. Department of Energy
Exascale Computing Project (ECP)

This ECP Software Technology (ST) Capability Assessment Report (CAR) provides an overview and assessment of current ECP ST capabilities and activities, giving stakeholders and the broader HPC community information that can be used to assess ECP ST progress and plan their own efforts accordingly.

Software Technology is a key focus area of the ECP and represents the key bridge between Exascale systems and the scientists developing applications that will run on those platforms.

Today, ECP ST efforts contribute to 89 software products in five technical areas.

Of the 89 products, 33 are broadly used in the HPC community and require substantial investment and transformation in preparation for Exascale architectures. An additional 23 are important to some existing applications and typically represent new capabilities that enable new usage models for realizing the potential that Exascale platforms promise. The remaining products are in early development phases, addressing emerging challenges and opportunities that Exascale platforms present.

Read the full Capability Assessment Report here:

The ECP Software Technology (ST) Capability Assessment Report (CAR). (PDF)
