Argonne National Laboratory

Building a Capable Computing Ecosystem for Exascale and Beyond

The Exascale Era is here.

Aurora Early Science Program: Speeding Up Discovery of New Catalysts for Clean Energy

Aurora Early Science Program: Speeding Up Discovery of New Catalysts for Clean Energy

Exploring the Universe and Nature’s Physical Processes with Unprecedented Power

Exascale supercomputers will play a pivotal role in creating highly accurate computer simulations of the universe.

Revisiting the CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) Project

The CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) project provides deep-learning computing methodologies for accelerating cancer research.

Delivering Impactful Science, Deploying Aurora, and Partnering with ECP at the ALCF

Katherine Riley leads a team of computational science experts who work with facility users to maximize their use of ALCF computing resources.

ECP-supported collaborative teams win the 2022 ACM Gordon Bell Prize and Special Prize

Research efforts aimed at developing new particle accelerators and understanding COVID-19 won prestigious awards Nov. 17 at SC22 in Dallas.

Providing Exascale-Class Multiphysics Simulation Capability to Multiple Science Domains

Flash-X, a multiphysics simulation software package, integrates tools that provide a performance portability solution for exascale computing.

Exascale Day Article: Moving toward advances in brain mapping using exascale supercomputers

Helping solve the brain's many mysteries requires creating comprehensive maps to identify the locations and connections of its neurons.

Enabling Highly Accurate and Reliable Predictions of the Basic Properties of Materials

The QMCPACK project intends to provide the capability to find, predict, and control materials and properties at the quantum level.

Leveraging Machine Learning for Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering

Machine learning technologies are creating inspiring new opportunity vistas for scientific discovery and research at the exascale.

Preparing the PETSc/TAO Software Suite to Support Exascale Scientific Applications

An Exascale Computing Project team is getting the longtime open-source PETSc/TAO software suite ready to support exascale applications.

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE)

ECP plays key support roles in the CANDLE project, which is addressing three significant science challenge problems in cancer research.

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: WDMapp—XGC, GENE, GEM

The latest in the code-for-Aurora series explores an app aimed at high-fidelity whole device modeling of magnetically confined fusion plasmas.

ECP and ALCF to Host Twitter Chat June 21

June 21 at 2 p.m. Eastern, ECP and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will host a Twitter Chat on the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack.

Exascale Computing Project Portfolio Presentation Videos

The Exascale Computing Project has made available a compilation of brief, high-level presentations about some of its project portfolios.

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: HACC

This time, ECP's special podcast series on preparing code for the Aurora exascale supercomputer takes a look at the cosmological code HACC.

Ensuring the Exascale Ecosystem Lands Successfully at Energy Department Facilities

The Exascale Computing Project Software Deployment at Facilities project tests and verifies software functionality and efficiency.

Let’s Talk Exascale Code Development: EQSIM

ECP’s special podcast series on preparing code for the Aurora exascale system begins by focusing on an earthquake risk assessment application.

Two ECP Researchers are Recognized with the E.O. Lawrence Award

Exascale Computing Project researchers Daniel Kasen and Rob Ross recently received one of the US Department of Energy's highest honors.

Nextgov Article Conveys the Essence, Aims of Exascale Awareness Week

Writer Brandi Vincent on Nextgov hits the highlights of the recent Exascale Awareness Week leading up to Exascale Day, October 18, 2020.

National Nuclear Security Administration logo Exascale Computing Project logo small U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science logo