ECP Participation at SC23

Many of the ECP team members will be participating at SC23. ECP participation ranges from paper and poster presentations to panels, tutorials, workshops, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and invited talks.

November 12-17, 2023 Denver, Colorado

Please check the SC23 website program schedule for any changes in room assignments or times.

Just a few items we’d like to call out: (All times are listed as MST for Denver, CO)

ECP Director Lori Diachin will be speaking at the SC23 media event, Monday at 12:30pm in Room 113.

Lois McInnes is giving an Invited talk titled, “Broadening Participation in HPC: Together We Can Make a Difference” in the Mile High Ballroom, Thursday, at 9:20am.

ECP Industry and Agency Council members will participate in a panel on “The Impact of Exascale and the Exascale Computing Project on Industry” in Rooms 201-203, Thursday at 3:30pm.

The ECP leadership team will deliver a presentation in the DOE booth (booth #243), on Tuesday at 1:45pm.

ECP Participation at SC23.
