The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.


Feature extraction and visualization algorithm improves functional memory and research outcomes in multiphase flow simulation analysis

ECP-funded work has created a novel end-to-end analytics and visualization program for solving domain-specific issues in multiphase flow simulations.

EXAALT researchers explore speculative task methods to improve scalability

A team working on the ECP’s Exascale Atomistic Capability for Accuracy, Length, and Time (EXAALT) project has developed a task-level speculative metho

Novel algorithm delivers flexibility, efficiency for sparse linear system solvers on HPC infrastructures

Researchers funded by the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have extended the sparse direct solver STRUMPACK to GPU frameworks, providing more flexibil

HPCToolkit enhancements target improved performance analysis for exascale era

A team funded by the Exascale Computing Project is preparing to release a new version of HPCToolkit, a suite of performance analysis tools that helps

Cancer research inspires improved training models for natural language processing involving PII and other private data

The use of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) methods to analyze health information brings great promise for learning about disease but

ECP Data and Visualization lead offers viewpoint on the challenges and opportunities of exascale computing

The dawn of exascale computing will bring exciting new capabilities to bear on scientific investigation as well as unprecedented challenges that we sh

MemHC optimizes many-body correlation function vital to physics computing

An Exascale Computing Project–funded team has developed MemHC, a GPU memory management framework that optimizes the many-body correlation function.

Novel Metall advances persistent data-centric analytics for exascale computing

Scientists funded by the Exascale Computing Project have developed Metall, a persistent memory allocator that enables applications to allocate memory

ECP team conducts first real-world test of Lagrangian analysis techniques for data reduction

A team of researchers working with the Exascale Computing Project has completed the first real-world demonstration of the effectiveness of Lagrangian

ExaGraph team improves speed and scaling for combinatorial and graph algorithms

A team of scientists working with the ExaGraph Co-Design Center provided a review of work done under the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) to optimize

Remote OpenMP Offloading strategy increases productive programmability, reduces complexity for real-world applications

Computer scientists working with the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) to advance LLVM compiler infrastructure have shown that OpenMP is an effective t

Work under ExaIO project introduces asynchronous I/O methods to improve data storage and operations for faster computation

Researchers working with the ExaIO project have developed an asynchronous input/output (I/O) framework for HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5),

Ginkgo math library increases software portability across architectures

Scientists working with the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have developed Ginkgo, a sparse linear algebra library designed to increase portability o

Novel software design brings extensibility, sustainability to quantum chemistry supercomputing

Researchers supporting the development of NWChemEx, an open-source, exascale software platform for high-performance quantum chemistry simulations, hav

WarpX gets ready for plasma physics simulations in the exascale era

A team funded by the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have ported and scaled WarpX, a particle-in-cell (PIC) code for solving the motion of relativist

Novel simulation framework answers additive manufacturing research questions for the exascale era

Tusas, a novel open-source phase-field simulation framework, represents a superior tool for studying solidification dynamics and microstructure format

New Kokkos release improves performance portability among exascale-era heterogeneous architectures

With the latest Kokkos release, researchers with the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) continue to address the challenge of diverse programming models

Researchers bridge communications gap to enable exascale compute power

Researchers funded by the Exascale Computing Project have demonstrated an alternative to MPI, the de facto communication standard for high-performance

New EFFIS framework optimizes WDMApp with support for code coupling and application performance monitoring

Researchers working with the nuclear fusion device simulation application WDMApp for the Exascale Computing Project have developed EFFIS, a workflow f

Researchers working on ExaSMR advance CFD–neutronics simulation tools

Scientists working on the Exascale Computing Project’s ExaSMR project have developed a comprehensive simulation framework targeting the entire small m

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