Lori Diachin Receives High-Performance Computing Industry Publication Honor
In the early part of each year, high-performance computing (HPC) publication HPCwire issues a list called “People to Watch.” The aim is to stimulate discussion and highlight people who have distinguished themselves through hard work, dedication, and contributions to HPC.
Lori Diachin, deputy director of the US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), is among those honored for 2019. Besides her role in ECP, she is also serving as the deputy associate director for science and technology in the Computation Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
She has held numerous leadership positions in computing and authored more than 50 technical journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceeding articles. Also during the course of her decades’-long career, she was a computer scientist at Argonne National Laboratory and a member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories.
The “People to Watch” announcement article contains a link to page that offers access to exclusive interviews with the honorees.
ECP Communication Manager Mike Bernhardt recently sat down with her for a profile video interview as well.