
ExaFEL and CoPA: Rapid Imaging of Molecular Systems

Using CoPA tools, ExaFEL prevents computational data throughput from bottlenecking experimental progress in x-ray free electron laser facilities.

EXAALT and Kokkos: Making Exascale Simulations of Material Behavior a “SNAP”

Molecular dynamics has become a cornerstone of computational science and is a key component of developing materials with enhanced properties.

Building a Capable Computing Ecosystem for Exascale and Beyond

The Exascale Era is here.

Discussing NERSC’s Unique Global Role and Close Collaboration with ECP

Richard Gerber ensures the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center remains responsive to the needs of scientific researchers.

Collaborative Strength Enables the EXAALT Project to Optimize GPU Performance

The EXAALT project could bring atomistic materials predictions to the engineering scale and demystify materials design and synthesis.

Special—ECP Leadership Discusses Project Highlights, Challenges, and the Expected Impact of Exascale Computing

Members of the Exascale Computing Project leadership team summarize the state of the project and delve into the major accomplishments.

Collaboration Aims to More Accurately Predict Wind Farm Flow Physics

Jennifer Huber of NERSC writes about how the ExaWind project is advancing our basic understanding of the flow physics governing wind plant performance.

Exawind Project Demonstrates Blade-Resolved Simulation of NREL 5 MW Reference Wind Turbine

HPCwire October 25, 2018

New Algorithms Help Extract 3-D Biological Structure from Limited Data

New collaboration initiative between SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, CAMERA, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of DOE’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP).

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