Using the Roofline Model and Intel Advisor
The IDEAS Productivity project, in partnership with the DOE Computing Facilities of the ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC and the DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP), is resuming the webinar series on Best Practices for HPC Software Developers, which we began last year.
As part of this series, we will offer one-hour webinars on topics in scientific software development and high-performance computing, approximately once a month. Participation is free and open to the public, but registration will be required for each event.
The next webinar in the series was “Using the Roofline Model and Intel Advisor” with speaker Sam Williams of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This webinar took place on August 16, 2017 and you can find a copy of the presentation and the video from the webinar in the Presentation Materials section below.