ECP Broadening Participation Initiative: Challenges, Gaps, and Opportunities in Computing Workforce Development and Retention
The ECP Broadening Participation Initiative seeks to foster a supportive and inclusive culture within the computing sciences at DOE national laboratories. Its mission is to establish a sustainable plan to recruit and retain a diverse workforce in the DOE high-performance computing community. This webinar will provide an overview the ECP Broadening Participation Initiative’s current activities and then invite community input about challenges, gaps, and opportunities in computing workforce development and retention at DOE national labs and collaborating institutions.
Closed captions will be available for this talk.
This webinar is brought to you by the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) HPC Workforce Development and Retention Action Group, which organizes a webinar series on topics related to developing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work culture in the computing sciences.
The overview part of the talk will be recorded and posted to our archive, but the Q&A session will not be recorded.