The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Tagged with: Summit supercomputer

Summit Supercomputer Breaks Exaop Barrier on Neural Net Trained to Recognize Extreme Weather Patterns

The insideHPC blog reports that a team of computational scientists from Lawrence Berkeley and Oak Ridge national laboratories, and engineers from NVIDIA has demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that has for the first time broken the exaop barrier.

Wired Magazine: The US Again has the World’s Most Powerful Supercomputer

Plenty of people around the world got new gadgets Friday, but one in Eastern Tennessee stands out. Summit, a new supercomputer unveiled at Oak Ridge National Lab is, unofficially for now, the most powerful calculating machine on the planet.

OLCF’s 200 Petaflops Summit Machine Still Slated for 2018 Start-up

HPCwire reports on a talk by Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility researcher Wayne Joubert on the status of the Summit supercomputer.

ORNL Begins Construction of Summit Supercomputer

Oak Ridge National Laboratory has begun to install Summit. Besides providing unprecedented amounts of computational capacity for traditional high-performance computing applications, it will offer the largest platform in the world for deep learning workloads.

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