The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Tagged with: nuclear energy

Predicting the Future of Fission Power

Optimized for exascale supercomputers, the ExaSMR simulation toolkit advances state-of-the-art nuclear reactor design.

Current Efforts with ExaSMR—a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Application

Early access to the hardware components of the approaching Summit supercomputer reveals the achievable level of performance improvement for ExaSMR’s Monte Carlo radiation transport solver.

Coupled Monte Carlo Neutronics and Fluid Flow Simulations of Small Modular Reactors

Exascale will allow for a new generation of nuclear that works smart on the electric grid and help maximize the efficiency and increase the lifespan of current US nuclear reactors.

National Nuclear Security Administration logo Exascale Computing Project logo small U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science logo