Application integration helps ensure that Exascale Computing Project (ECP) applications are properly prepared for the forthcoming US Department of Energy (DOE) exascale systems. It also ensures that the DOE HPC facilities (hereafter referred to as Facilities) are aware of ongoing application development efforts and can contribute their experience and expertise in porting applications to the Facility-specific architectures.
Description: Successful execution of the science mission of the delivered applications on the pre-exascale and exascale systems at DOE high-performance computing Facilities.
The application Integration at the Facilities effort bridges the ECP and the Facilities, ensuring that the ECP application development efforts are appropriately informed of and targeting the architectural features of the exascale and pre-exascale architectures. It also ensures that the computing Facilities within the DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Research program are engaged in the ECP application development effort, which will both augment their own application readiness efforts and avoid duplication between these efforts and the ECP.
Each ECP application has a challenge problem with simulation targets that rely on the pre-exascale and future exascale architectures of the Facilities. The success of the application projects depends on access not only to the technical resources of the Facilities but also the specific knowledge and experience available. This activity ensures the integration of applications with the Facilities, enabling an exchange of practical knowledge, application readiness efforts, and best practices.
The overarching objective of this activity is to ensure that the ECP applications appropriately target the exascale architectures that will be available at the DOE leadership computing facilities. One necessary component of this activity is also ensuring that the underlying software technologies upon which the ECP applications depend efficiently use the Facilities. A secondary objective is to ensure that the Facilities are aware of ongoing ECP application development efforts and can contribute their experience and expertise in porting applications to the facility architectures. Similarly, this activity can help inform the Facilities as to which software technologies are of greatest importance to applications.
Lead: Scott Parker, Argonne National Laboratory