The Exascale Computing Project has concluded. This site is retained for historical references.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

EXAALT and Kokkos: Making Exascale Simulations of Material Behavior a “SNAP”

Molecular dynamics has become a cornerstone of computational science and is a key component of developing materials with enhanced properties.

Exascale Computing Project Software Helps Launch a New Era for NASA  

ECP Software Helps Launch a New Era for NASA


Exascale to Model Fusion Energy

A Career Discussion with Jose Monsalve Diaz

The ECP has provided tremendous opportunities for young researchers to develop knowledge and relationships in high-performance computing

A Career Discussion with Matt Rolchigo

The ECP has provided tremendous opportunities for young researchers to develop knowledge and relationships in high-performance computing

Building a Capable Computing Ecosystem for Exascale and Beyond

The Exascale Era is here.

Exascale Drives Industry Innovation for a Better Future

Exascale capability opens pathways to explore promising new technologies and products and accelerate time to commercialization.

Exascale Modeling of Advanced Particle Accelerators with WarpX

Exascale Meets Particle Accelerators

Getting Computing Luminary Jack Dongarra’s Perspective on the Exascale Computing Project

Jack Dongarra says ECP has been a great success in terms of human and technical accomplishments but post-project follow-on is critical.

Revisiting the CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) Project

The CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) project provides deep-learning computing methodologies for accelerating cancer research.

Delivering Impactful Science, Deploying Aurora, and Partnering with ECP at the ALCF

Katherine Riley leads a team of computational science experts who work with facility users to maximize their use of ALCF computing resources.

Predicting the Future of Fission Power

Optimized for exascale supercomputers, the ExaSMR simulation toolkit advances state-of-the-art nuclear reactor design.

Advancing the Additive Manufacturing Revolution

Additive manufacturing heralds a new era of precision manufacturing that the ExaAM project aims to advance as a viable method for industry.

Reflecting on the ‘Why’ behind Supercomputing Simulations: Advancing Science

Bronson Messer, director of science for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, has an expert perspective on supercomputing for science.

Discovering New Materials at Exascale Speed

A redesigned QMCPACK promises unmatched accuracy in simulating materials to uncover their hidden properties.

Providing Exascale-Class Multiphysics Simulation Capability to Multiple Science Domains

Flash-X, a multiphysics simulation software package, integrates tools that provide a performance portability solution for exascale computing.

Enabling Highly Accurate and Reliable Predictions of the Basic Properties of Materials

The QMCPACK project intends to provide the capability to find, predict, and control materials and properties at the quantum level.

ECP Advances the Science of Atmospheric Convection Modeling

Researchers have developed a multiscale modeling framework to refine cloud renderings in E3SM climate simulations on GPU-accelerated machines.

Osni Marques Assumes New Leadership Duties for the Exascale Computing Project

Osni Marques, a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been tapped to lead ECP Training & Productivity.

OLCF’s Ashley Barker Takes on New Role, Steps Down from ECP

Ashley Barker will step down as lead of ECP's Training & Productivity for new duties at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility.

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