Visit Us at the SC16 Conference
Learn more about ECP at SC16. Visit the Department of Energy booth, or attend a session with an ECP team expert.
Chief Technical Officer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008 MS6016
Oak Ridge TN 37831-6016
(865) 574-3153
Al Geist is a Corporate Research Fellow at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. He is the chief technical officer of the Exascale Computing
Project, as well as the CTO of the Leadership Computing Facility and
chief scientist for the Computer Science and Mathematics Division at
ORNL. He is helping lead the acquisition of the Frontier Exascale
computer at ORNL. His recent research is on Exascale computing and
resilience needs of the hardware and software. He leads the ASCR
technical Council on Resilience.
At ORNL, Geist has published two books and over 200 papers in areas
ranging from heterogeneous distributed computing, numerical linear
algebra, parallel computing, collaboration technologies, solar energy,
materials science, biology, and solid state physics.
Geist is one of the original developers of PVM (Parallel Virtual
Machine), which became a worldwide de facto standard for heterogeneous
distributed computing. He was also actively involved in the design of
the Message Passing Interface (MPI-1 and MPI-2) standard. He was
involved in the development of FT-MPI, a research prototype to explore
how to make MPI applications fault tolerant.
Learn more about ECP at SC16. Visit the Department of Energy booth, or attend a session with an ECP team expert.