The webinar will discuss a development process and practices that incorporate secure software knowledge into scientific software development. The process seeks to mitigate and to defend against malicious attacks that can cause extreme damage to any software, compromising integrity, authentication, availability, and long-term sustainability.
The webinar will describe strategies that the IDEAS Productivity Project has used to help software teams across the Exascale Computing Project “up their game” with respect to their software practices. The webinar will wrap up with lessons learned by the IDEAS team and briefly consider possible futures for the DOE scientific software community.
The webinar will discuss lessons learned by the HACC (Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code) development team in contending with novel programming modes while preparing HACC for multiple exascale systems, simultaneously adding new capabilities and focusing on performance.
This webinar will discuss how to simplify scientific Python package installation in HPC environments, by using a tool developed by the speaker and his collaborators. The tool reduces errors and enables sharing of package installations among users. HPC centers can customize the tool to incorporate additional software dependencies and help messages.
The webinar will discuss infrastructure and tools for high-fidelity testing, which is essential for hardening the software developed by DOE’s Exascale Computing Project. The webinar will provide an overview of the testing infrastructure, discuss what this could look like post-ECP, and how it could benefit other HPC environments.
The 2023 HDF5 User Group Meeting will be held August 16-18, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio. Celebrating 25 years of HDF5, the event will feature presentations from community members, keynotes and lunch talks, a full day of tutorials and more.
The webinar will give an overview of the OpenSSF Best Practices Badge Program, which provides resources for the creation, maintenance, and sustainability of robust, high quality, and secure open source software. The webinar will also describe how these resources can be used to support advances in software quality and sustainability efforts in CS&E.
The webinar will focus on tips and strategies on how to write readable, reusable, and maintainable code, including writing short functions that do exactly one thing with no effects, restructuring complicated functions into smaller and manageable chunks, and good use of comments and error messages. Motto: think of code as communication.
This tutorial introduces HPC distributed computing using three alternative parallel programming models, Chapel, UPC++, and Coarray Fortran. The goal is to demonstrate basic concepts of distributed programming, highlight the benefits of each model and provide experience in running examples with each.
The webinar will outline the redesign and reimplementation of QMCPACK, a code that predicts the properties of materials, to achieve portability and performance on GPUs and CPUs. The webinar will discuss development practices, the importance of extensive tests, and a set of strategies that can benefit HPC application developers and facilities.
The webinar will focus on the porting of electronic structure codes to exascale platforms, and how it can be done with the PROGRESS and BML libraries developed by ECP’s CoPA project. The webinar will discuss implementations and algorithmic choices made in those libraries, and lessons learned for achieving performance portability and strong scaling.
The webinar will focus on the experience of the WarpX developers towards exascale, culminating in the 2022 ACM Gordon Bell Prize. WarpX uses GPUs and CPUs at massive scale, and research efforts advanced particle-in-cell algorithms and solvers. A team-of-teams approach improved software architecture, quality, developer & user productivity.
The ECP Project Tutorial Days will cover best practices for exascale-era systems, including topics on power management on exascale platforms, performance evaluation, auto-tuning tools, robust and scalable next-generation workflows, applications, systems, and much more.
Mentorship is a dynamic, career-long phenomenon spanning many different relationships that support our personal and professional development. In this webinar, the speaker will discuss insights into the science of mentorship, ongoing research into mentorship among computing professionals, and experiences with inclusive mentorship.
This webinar will provide an overview of the current activities of ECP’s Broadening Participation Initiative, which seeks to foster a supportive and inclusive culture within DOE national laboratories for recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce in HPC.
The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days provide an opportunity for the HPC community to engage with ECP teams to discuss our latest development efforts. BOF sessions will be 60 to 90 minutes long, opening with a brief overview and concluding with a Q&A.
The webinar will focus on the activities fostered by Openscapes, and lessons the speaker learned from her work mentoring government, non-profit, and academic environmental and Earth teams, with specific stories from projects with NASA and NOAA Fisheries. The speaker will also highlight how more reusing and less reinventing is critical for science.
This session features lessons from the SC22 Early Career Program on work/life balance, strategies for working remotely, and on how those early in their careers can apply lessons learned from pandemic-driven change and resiliency.
The webinar will focus on the role of lab notebooks in experimental sciences and will present concrete examples that address the challenges associated with adapting lab notebooks to computational research. The webinar builds upon the presenter’s experience in transitioning from experimental and observational sciences to computational sciences.
This webinar will discuss specifics of academic software development. It will describe approaches to manage the development and release of software, including coding best practices, project boards, development environments, and automated documentation that can help developers write sustainable code that is easy to use, streamlining collaborations.