The IDEAS Productivity project, in partnership with several DOE Computing Facilities and the DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is resuming the webinar series on Best Practices for HPC Software Developers, which we began last year.
As part of this series, we will offer one-hour webinars on topics in scientific software development and high-performance computing, approximately once a month. Participation is free and open to the public, but registration will be required for each event.
Webinar Video – YouTube Video
The DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) is pleased to have sponsored a webinar presented by Sameer Shende of the University of Oregon on the TAU Performance System. The webinar took place on Wednesday, November 8, at 1:00 pm ET. You will find the presentation materials including the slides and video below.
Abstract: The complex nature of HPC platforms and the application development environment, combining multiple languages, programming paradigms, hardware, and compilers, make effective performance engineering a challenging task. To meet the needs of computational scientists in performance engineering their codes, we present a webinar on the TAU Performance System.
TAU is a powerful profiling and tracing toolkit that covers multiple aspects of performance instrumentation, measurement, and analysis. After describing and demonstrating how performance data is collected using TAU’s automated instrumentation, the workshop will present ways to analyze the performance data collected and to drill down to find performance bottlenecks. Topics will cover generating performance profiles and traces with memory and system load utilization metrics, I/O, communication, and hardware performance counter data using PAPI, compiler-based instrumentation, callsite-profiling, generating OTF2 traces natively, using TAU for evaluating CUDA and Python based applications, and the advances in TAU that are being designed as part of the ECP Proteas project. The workshop will cover instrumentation of Hybrid MPI and OpenMP codes, and the use of TAU for profiling Kokkos based applications using the Kokkos Profiling Interface.
Performance Portability with Kokkos Bootcamp – Registration for this event is now closed.
March 26-29, 2019
We are pleased to announce that we are hosting the next Performance Portability with Kokkos Bootcamp March 26-29, 2019 at the Oakland City Center Conference Center in Oakland, CA. This workshop is intended to teach new Kokkos users how to get started and to help existing Kokkos users to further improve their codes. The training will cover the minimum required topics to get your application started on using Kokkos, and Kokkos experts will be on hand to help the more advanced users.
What is Kokkos?
Kokkos is a programming model and library for writing performance portable code in C++. It includes abstractions for on-node parallel execution and data layout. These abstractions are mapped at compile time to fit a device’s architecture for best performance. It uses standard C++ in the same spirit as libraries such at Thrust and Thread Building Blocks.
Who should attend?
Anyone who has a C++ application, or would like to create C++ Kokkos kernels that hook onto an application, and would like to have a single source code run well on multiple platforms. We also encourage developers to bring applications that already use Kokkos since Kokkos experts will be available to help with more advanced use cases. Although we strongly suggest teams of two (or more) per application, please do not hesitate to apply if you are a single developer who wants attend this event.
What happens at the event?
We will have Kokkos experts to help you with your application. This event is a tutorial and a playground to experiment with integrating Kokkos with your application and to help optimize existing Kokkos applications.
What happens after the event?
Attendance to this event will help us create a relationship with your team that we hope to continue as you return home to continue your work. We plan to host regular office hours to tend to your teams questions in the initial stages and to help your team continue to make significant progress.
How should I prepare?
After signing up, we will contact you to discuss your application. If you are new to Kokkos, we can help you prepare a kernel for the event. If you have an existing Kokkos application, we would like to understand your needs before the event. We hope that doing this prep work will maximize your time learning from Kokkos experts.
How do I apply?
Registration for this event is now closed.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following organizers:
- Graham Lopez, [email protected]
- Galen Shipman, [email protected]
- Christian Trott, [email protected]
- Geoff Womeldorff, [email protected]