The ECP SOLLVE project, which is working to evolve OpenMP for exascale computing, invites you to participate in a new series of monthly telecons that will occur on the last Friday of every month. The next call in the series will take place on Friday, December 1st, between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm ET.
We are organizing these monthly calls so that ECP application teams may share their OpenMP experiences with the community and bring any related issues or concerns to the attention of the compiler developers and OpenMP language committee members. Application developers may treat them as office hours on all topics related to OpenMP. We expect that representatives of vendors will attend on a regular basis. Please note that attendance is open to ECP and the broader HPC community, and therefore participants should not share confidential and/or proprietary information.
Our goal is to enable application teams to be more productive using OpenMP and help make your codes portable across different vendor compilers and systems. The telecons will be conducted via Zoom. In order to receive the Zoom coordinates for the call, please fill out the following form or click “Tickets” above. Note, you will only be required to fill this form out once to receive the invite to the monthly series.
For the agenda and previous telecons’ materials please check